Video Production for Social Media Marketing

Video production for marketing through social media is based on three phases. The first phase is the pre-production phase, the second phase is the production phase and the third is the post-production phase. These three phases are very important for video production that can be used for effective marketing on social media. Video production Mauritius also follows these three steps to make the best video for marketing purposes.

1.  Pre-Production

In the pre-production phase, the plot and script of the video are decided. As content marketing primarily depends upon the quality of content, the format of video content is considered to keep the quality of video intact. Ten things are decided before making a video. The idea of the video plot is discussed according to marketing goals. The productive idea is presented before the client. The client confirms the validity of the idea and approves for further advancement. The creative agencies at this step forward idea to the creative director for further discussion and improvements. Budget and requirements are discussed for production. Video production Mauritius perfectly directs the production process after completion of the pre-production phase.

2.  Production

The production phase involves the creation of the video. The idea is converted into visual form and then the video is forwarded for editing and improvement.

Soundtrack and visual clips are examined, and this video is then presented before the creative team to find any mistake. The video is then presented before the client for final approval. The client carefully takes a glance at the video and assures the video is a perfect reflection of the policy of his company and it describes complete details and features of the product. The final approval of the client is necessary before the final touch up of the video. The video is then extracted in several qualities in different mediums and copies are submitted to the creative board. Video is now ready for marketing in different media.

3.  Post-Production

After the production of the video, the final step is the release of the video for marketing. The video is released on pre-decided media according to the marketing strategy and budget of the client. The video is released on social sites of the company of clients and a social media campaign is launched for efficient marketing. The quality airtime is chosen to release a video on electronic media.


Social media and electronic media both are unique features, but the social media marketing strategy can reduce marketing costs for the promotion of the product.