How to Get Started As a Freelance Web Content Writer

In a day when the economy is tight and people are looking for sources of extra money, it is possible to make money on the side as a Web content writer. Being good with words and a bit of a perfectionist is a good start. If you are looking for Best Internet Marketing in Brisbane then you should follow these five steps to get started as a freelance Web content writer.

Read Much about Web Content Writing

Web content writing, or any type of freelance writing work for that matter, varies some with each client. This makes it essential to always be learning more. Start by focusing on the basics of article writing for the Internet, which is different than standard writing practices. Also, be sure that the basic rules of grammar, punctuation, and organization are followed.

It is also very important to understand SEO (search engine optimization) writing and know how to find keywords. Every potential client will demand SEO writing if it is to be used online.

Practice Writing and Make Some Quality Samples

Like anything else, practice makes better if a conscientious effort to do so is applied. Once the above mentioned basics are understood and there is some quality in the writing, take some time and write at least three good samples. Write them on different topics and in different styles. Also, make them of different length, too, with one being about 400 words, another about 550, and a third about 700 words long.

Once these articles are written, take some time to edit them thoroughly. If potential clients find a mistake, they will look for another writer. Yes, they expect not to have to edit articles that they pay for. Remember that these article samples will say more about the writer than any resume ever could.

Create A Website

Freelance writers who offer a writing service need to have a Website. This is not an option today. Making money online means that those looking for freelance writers need to be able to find them when they need them. The Website can provide them with the opportunity and it will also showcase the talent of the writer.


Getting the word out needs to start somewhere. Good places to start are the online freelance Websites where freelancers bid on projects. Some good places to get started are Elance, and Guru. Because of the bidding process, pay is generally low for any projects won – but be sure not to bid so low that it hurts the finances. The more projects that are won and completed, the more that can be put on the resume. These Websites let clients report how well the projects were performed, and good jobs build reputation.

Build Credentials and Expand

As more projects are completed, each one expands the resume. Two important elements that clients want from an article writer are professionalism and timeliness. Complete the assignments on time and make sure the articles are edited. This could easily lead to more projects being given by the same client.

Once basic article writing and Web content writing is developed, then go on and learn other types of writing, too. This should include blog writing, writing emails, marketing materials, eBooks, copywriting, and more. This will enable more writing services to be offered over time, as well as being able to apply for more paid writing jobs – creating an even greater demand, making it possible to earn money writing on a full-time basis.