Film Production: Do It Yourself on a Low Budget

Film production – or more accurately – video production, has become something that the average Joe can accomplish. We’ve all had that moment when we’re leaving the movie theater, feeling totally violated for having spent $20 on a couple of tickets and another $30 for snacks, only to be assaulted by a senses-numbing piece of drivel that had us waiting for the bright scenes during the movie just so we could see our watch and know how much longer this torture would last. Let things go when you are interested in TV Production Newcastle.

You know you could do better…so do it.

Film Production: Could I Make “Titanic II”?

Okay, that might be aiming just a bit high for your first production. To get your feet wet, script a nice, short piece, something in the neighborhood of 2–5 minutes. The genre doesn’t matter, just as long as it’s a good little story. Making these shorts will give you the feel for blocking a shot, lighting, audio capture, etc. You’re going to make plenty of mistakes, so this is the time to learn from them.

Once your short film is complete, put it online at YouTube or any of the video sharing sites. Spread the word about your masterpiece and pay attention to the feedback. Some of it will be genuine, other comments can be ignored. If you read the commenter’s notes, it will become immediately evident who is making honest observations, and who is being a “tough guy in Internet anonymity” jerk.

Oh, and when your mom writes, “Greatest film ever! He’s such a good boy!” or “A masterpiece! Your life won’t be complete until you have watched this cinematic classic! She’s such a good girl!” you can pretty much assume that review might carry a little bias.

Film Production: I Don’t Have Million Dollar Equipment

Don’t need it.

Get yourself a nice, high-def camcorder, a decent mic and write your script to fit your limited budget and relatively meager equipment. If you can put a good story on video, and get some buzz around it online, there’s no reason that you can’t become the next filmmaker from nowhere who becomes huge.

The world loves a movie or short that makes them feel something. If you can make your audience laugh, cry or otherwise have an experience, the fact that you didn’t have the highest quality equipment will not be a factor.

Film Production: Do I Need Schooling?

Need it? No. – Can it come in handy? Sure.

There are advantages to going to film school or taking some acting classes, but if you are a person of determination and desire, you can research the information you need to get started and find your way with your productions being the greatest teacher anyone can have: experience.

Film production can be a lot of fun and create some lasting memories. Even if you never beat out James Cameron for an Academy Award, you will have a great time creating your masterpieces and mini-masterpieces.